SUM and COUNT Quiz

bbc table


  1. Select the statement that shows the sum of population of all countries in 'Europe'

    SELECT SUM(population) FROM bbc WHERE region = 'Europe'
  2. Select the statement that shows the number of countries with population smaller than 150000

     SELECT COUNT(name) FROM bbc WHERE population < 150000

  3. Select the list of core SQL aggregate functions AVG(), COUNT(), MAX(), MIN(), SUM()

  4. Select the result that would be obtained from the following code:

     SELECT region, SUM(area)
       FROM bbc 
      WHERE SUM(area) > 15000000 
      GROUP BY region

    No result due to invalid use of the WHERE function

  5. Select the statement that shows the average population of 'Poland', 'Germany' and 'Denmark'

     SELECT AVG(population) FROM bbc 
     WHERE name IN ('Poland', 'Germany', 'Denmark')
  6. Select the statement that shows the medium population density of each region

     SELECT region, SUM(population)/SUM(area) AS density 
     FROM bbc 
     GROUP BY region
  7. Select the statement that shows the name and population density of the country with the largest population

     SELECT name, population/area AS density 
     FROM bbc 
     WHERE population = (SELECT MAX(population) FROM bbc)
  8. Pick the result that would be obtained from the following code:

     SELECT region, SUM(area) 
       FROM bbc 
      GROUP BY region 
      HAVING SUM(area)<= 20000000

Middle East


South America


South Asia


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