SQL Descriptive Stats

Descriptive statistics provide a way to summarize and understand the main characteristics of a data set. PostgreSQL offers several functions that help perform descriptive statistical analysis directly within SQL. Some of these functions are PERCENTILE_DISC, PERCENTILE_CONT, and MODE, along with more common statistical/aggregate functions like AVG, SUM, MIN, and MAX.

Understanding Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics describe the main features of a collection of data quantitatively. They are used to summarize data sets, and they include measures such as:

  1. Count - number of rows

  2. Mean (Average) - average value of a numeric column

  3. Sum - total of a numeric column

  4. Minimum and Maximum Values - smallest and largest value of the selected column

  5. Percentiles - are measures that divide a dataset into 100 equal parts

  6. Mode - value that appears most frequently

Setting Up Your Data

Let's consider a simple table named sales that contains sales data:

    amount NUMERIC

INSERT INTO sales (amount) VALUES
(10.0), (20.0), (10.0), (50.0), (30.0), (20.0), (40.0), (50.0), (30.0), (60.0);

Number of Rows

To COUNT() function yields the number of rows in a table.


SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows
FROM sales;

This query returns the total number of rows in the sales table.

Mean (Average)

The AVG() function calculates the mean of a numeric column.


SELECT AVG(amount) AS average_sale
FROM sales;

This query returns the average value of the amount column in the sales table.


The SUM() function calculates the total sum of a numeric column.


SELECT SUM(amount) AS total_sales
FROM sales;

This query returns the total sum of the amount column in the sales table.

Minimum and Maximum Values

The MIN() and MAX() functions return the smallest and largest values in a column, respectively.


SELECT MIN(amount) AS smallest_sale, MAX(amount) AS largest_sale
FROM sales;

This query returns the smallest and largest values in the amount column in the sales table.


Percentiles are measures that divide a dataset into 100 equal parts. PostgreSQL provides two functions for calculating percentiles: PERCENTILE_DISC and PERCENTILE_CONT.

  • PERCENTILE_DISC: Discrete percentile calculation.

  • PERCENTILE_CONT: Continuous percentile calculation.

Both functions are used with the WITHIN GROUP clause.


    PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY amount) AS median_disc,
    PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY amount) AS median_cont
FROM sales;

This query calculates the median (50th percentile) of the amount column using both discrete and continuous methods.

The PERCENTILE_DISC() function returns a value from the input dataset that is the closest to the percentile requested. The value returned will actually exist in the set.

The PERCENTILE_CONT() function returns an interpolated value between multiple values based on the distribution. The value returned may or may not exist in the set.

When to Use Which?

  • PERCENTILE_DISC: Use when the exact value from the dataset is important, such as when working with categorical data or when you need an actual observation.

  • PERCENTILE_CONT: Use when a more precise value is needed, such as when working with continuous data, and the percentile may not correspond directly to an actual observation in the dataset.


The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a dataset. Similar to percentile functions, the MODE() function is also used with the WITHIN GROUP clause.


FROM sales;

This query returns the mode of the amount column in the sales table.

Combining Descriptive Statistics

You can combine multiple descriptive statistics in a single query to get a comprehensive summary of your data.


    AVG(amount) AS average_sale,
    SUM(amount) AS total_sales,
    MIN(amount) AS smallest_sale,
    MAX(amount) AS largest_sale,
    PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY amount) AS median_disc,
    PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY amount) AS median_cont,
    MODE() WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY amount) AS mode_amount
FROM sales;

This query provides a complete summary of the amount column, including the average, total sum, minimum, maximum, median (both discrete and continuous), and mode.


Descriptive statistics in PostgreSQL can be efficiently performed using built-in SQL functions. These functions help you summarize and understand your data directly within the database. By utilizing functions like AVG, SUM, MIN, MAX, PERCENTILE_DISC, PERCENTILE_CONT, and MODE, you can perform a comprehensive statistical analysis of your data sets. Understanding and applying these functions will enhance your data analysis capabilities in PostgreSQL.

Last updated

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