Nested SELECT Quiz

bbc table


  1. Select the code that shows the name, region and population of the smallest country in each region

    SELECT region, name, population 
    FROM bbc x 
    WHERE population <= ALL (SELECT population 
                            FROM bbc y 
                            WHERE y.region=x.region 
                                AND population>0)
  2. Select the code that shows the countries belonging to regions with all populations over 50000

    SELECT name,region,population 
    FROM bbc x 
    WHERE 50000 < ALL (SELECT population 
                    FROM bbc y 
                    WHERE x.region=y.region 
                    AND y.population>0)
  3. Select the code that shows the countries with a less than a third of the population of the countries around it

    SELECT name,region 
    FROM bbc x 
    WHERE population < ALL (SELECT population/3 
                    FROM bbc y 
                    WHERE x.region=y.region 
                    AND !=
  4. Select the result that would be obtained from the following code:

    SELECT name FROM bbc
     WHERE population >
           (SELECT population
              FROM bbc
             WHERE name='United Kingdom')
       AND region IN
           (SELECT region
              FROM bbc
             WHERE name = 'United Kingdom')





  1. Select the code that would show the countries with a greater GDP than any country in Africa (some countries may have NULL gdp values).

    SELECT name FROM bbc
     WHERE gdp > (SELECT MAX(gdp) FROM bbc WHERE region = 'Africa')
  2. Select the code that shows the countries with population smaller than Russia but bigger than Denmark

    SELECT name FROM bbc
     WHERE population < (SELECT population FROM bbc WHERE name='Russia')
       AND population > (SELECT population FROM bbc WHERE name='Denmark')
  3. Select the result that would be obtained from the following code:

    SELECT name FROM bbc
     WHERE population > ALL
           (SELECT MAX(population)
              FROM bbc
             WHERE region = 'Europe')
       AND region = 'South Asia'




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